General points

1. The Dzogchen Tantra Translation Project

The aim of this ambitious project is to translate all the Dzogchen Tantras into western languages. The three main translators of the Dzogchen Community, Adriano Clemente, Elio Guarisco and Jim Valby were entrusted by Ch?gyal Namkhai Norbu to work on this extraordinary project. The translation-work of the Dzogchen-Tantras is a tremendous task which needs enormous effort, dedication and time. more

2. The Training for Translators from Tibetan

The specific aim of Training for Translators is to enable qualified translators to translate the profound Dzogchen Teaching found in the Tibetan scriptures into English. The Training, which is guided by Elio Guarisco, started in 2003 and takes place every year for six weeks. More than 15 translators from all over the world have participated in the three Trainings up to now. more

The first fruit of this Training for Translators from Tibetan is the publication of the latest book of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu on Tibetan Medicine called "On Birth, Life and Death", which was published in summer 2006. 

3. Digitalizing Project of the Tantras of Changchub Dorje

The preservation and digitalization of all the Tantras of Changchub Dorje, the Master of Ch?gyal Namkhai Norbu is a collaboration with the Shang Shung Institute of America. About 60 books or 30.000 pages of Tibetan writing (each book averages about 500 pages), spanning in content from Tibetan Buddhism to traditional Tibetan medicine and astrology, have to be digitalized, indexed and catalogued. Most of the work takes place in Tibet.

4. Tibetan Translation Program at Universities

A close collaboration with some universities that have an Orientalistic section attached to them is planned. The students will learn about the different possibilities of translating general Buddhist texts.

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